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Tips To Beat Hair Loss And Improve Hair Health Naturally

Whilst there are many hair loss treatments available for hair loss and hair health, here are some home remedies that you can try. With some forms of hair loss, due to stress or poor nutrition, pharmaceutical treatments may not be necessary. Aromatherapy has been used successfully by some people to treat thinning hair and bald patches. The aroma blend is massaged into the scalp for two minutes each night, and then the scalp is wrapped in a towel, to increase absorption of these oils. The essential oils suitable for treating alopecia include ylang ylang, roman chamomile, rosemary, lemon, lavender, grapefruit, and bay.

Try this blend of oils: * 3 drops of lavender * 3 drops of rosemary * 2 drops of thyme * 2 drops of Atlas cedar wood You can't put essential oils directly onto the skin or scalp, they have to be mixed in a carrier oil. Use a half a teaspoon of jojoba oil and 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil. Mix them all together and rub this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes. Use a warm towel to wrap your head in afterwards. Not only does it feel relaxing, but it helps the oils absorb.

If you have thinning hair, chances are you need to address a nutritional imbalance. Increase these nutrients in your diet: * Flaxseed - As well as providing support to all the cells in your body, flaxseed is rich in alpha linolenic acid, which is one of the Omega 3 fatty acids. This makes hair shine, and its also great for treating dandruff. * Pumpkin seeds, oysters, and nuts - These are great food sources of zinc. Zinc is needed for strong hair and normal hair growth.

It has the added benefit of being great for your brain and concentration. * Cucumber and oats - These foods are fantastic sources of silica. Silica is important for hair health, and is used when hair splits easily, or starts to thin. Silica is also great for skin health - it's a real beauty mineral. If you don't want to eat a bowl of porridge in the morning, you can get silica supplements.

Get the gel form as it is absorbed much more easily than the herbal varieties like horsetail. * Edible Seaweed, parsley, tofu, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds - Iron is important in hair health, and these foods are rich in it. An iron deficiency causes hair loss. But if you're thinking of taking an iron supplement, get your iron levels tested by your doctor first as iron is a fat soluble vitamin which means that it is stored in your body.

This can lead to a toxic build up if too much iron is taken in. * Eggs, fish and chicken - Hair is made of protein. So, if you're deficient in protein, your hair health may be affected. These are good, healthy sources of protein. * Brown rice, nuts and seeds - These are rich in the B vitamins.

As well as being great for stress, the B vitamins strengthen the hair shaft. If you're going to take a B vitamin supplement, get a B complex rather than individual B vitamins as taking too much of one B vitamin can cause an imbalance in the rest of the group. The B vitamins work together synergistically. * Leafy greens - Leafy greens, as well as having lots of other vitamins, are rich in folic acid. Folic acid is a type of B vitamin.

Rebecca Prescott presents vitamins and hair supplement information here. For hair growth products, check out this article. For our Italian readers, check out these articles.

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