Psychological Investigation


Psychological, neuropsychological, and electrocortical effects of mixed mold exposureNEUROTOXICITY can cause irreversible nervous system damage related to cell death or permanent alterations of cell structure and receptor sensitivity.

Heart of the matter

Heart of the matter: an existential investigation uncovers a lot of hot airAccording to the gospel of Spinal Tap, there's a very thin line between clever and stupid. To this inarguable truism, I would add that there's an equally thin line between clever and clever dick.


Violence: incidence and frequency of physical and psychological assaults affecting mental health providers in GeorgiaIT HAS BEEN KNOWN FOR SOME TIME that mental health professionals are not immune from physical and psychological trauma and its potential sequelae (Jayaratne, Vinokur-Kaplan, Nagda.

Rehabilitation of a Patient

Rehabilitation of a Patient with Functional Instability Associated with Failed Back Surgery, TheObjective: A report of a case of a low-tech non-dynamometric functional exercise program in the rehabilitation of a functionally unstable lower back, associated with failed back surgery.

Erectile dysfunction after

Erectile dysfunction after fracture of the pelvisMale sexual dysfunction after fracture of the pelvis is more common than previously supposed with rates as high as 30% reported when the complaint is specifically sought. With the increase in survival from major injuries.


Free Article Submission Discover How To Treat Diabetes By Juicing

This question comes up a lot because when most people thing about juicing they think it is only about juicing fruit. Some of the best juices are made with only vegetables, so most diabetics don't have to be stuck worrying about consuming too much sugar. Having said that eating whole fruit and vegetables is probably the best thing a diabetic can do to improve their condition. Monitoring your insulin levels is going to be very important during this process. Begin by juicing with vetetables only.

There are great books available for recipes on juicing vegetalbes. One I can think of is "Green For Life". Most vegetable juices begin with a green base like swiss chard, kale or dark green lettuces.

Only juice in the morning for the first week and monitor your insulin levels over the week. If they are stable you can start juicing at different times and also start getting more creative with the types of vegetables and fruit you use. A dark green juice with lots of green vegetables should have very little effect on your insulin levels.

You can begin by adding 1 fruit per juicing attempt and continue to monitor your insulin levels. If you don't notice much of a change then just get more creative. Go slowly and take your time. Don't be in a hurry to juice all day long. Begin with one meal a day and just monitor your progress. Remember to juice with the fiber of the vegetables and fruit.

This will go a long way at helping you stabilize your blood sugars.

Juicers , offers resources and information on juicersand healthy lifestyle.

Medical News

Mental Health Carers Role Early Warning Signs - Coping as a carer of a mentally ill person is developed over time with knowledge and experience.

Hypnosis Or NLP Can Quickly Erase Facial Tics - As many as one in four children suffer from the embarrassing annoyance of facial tics, that may continue to manifest throughout one?s adult life.

The Benefits of Receiving Regular Massage Therapy - From relaxation and relieving stress to warding off chronic pain, the benefits of massage therapy are great.

Free Article Submission Discover How To Treat Diabetes By Juicing - How do you treat diabetes by juicing.

Unlimited Breath - I recently returned from an Unlimited Breath Intensive Workshop, ten days where I learned how breathing fully is essential to living a vibrant, healthy, and successful life, in the same way as good driving skills are necessary to keep one?s car cruising.
